Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Visa Medical Appointment

It's Tuesday afternoon here, late Monday night in Illinois. Yesterday, Monday, we had our Visa medical appointment. This is one of the 2 important things that happen while we're here in Guanzhou. While in China all children must pass a physical before their Visa issued to enter the US. This isn't a well baby check up, it's a physical to ensure that the children being adopted do not have any communicable diseases. Basically, they want to ensure These children are not a risk to anyone in the US.

We had a rough night the night before, so Penelope wanted to sleep in. We finally had to wake her up to go eat breakfast before our appointment. 
She woke up in a better mood, though though it's a little hard to tell from "outfit of the day" picture. 
This is more like it! Smiles come easily now. She is even opening up more when we are out of the room. She has been smiling at some of the other families. 
This crooked little smile melts my heart!!

First she had her picture taken for her visa. 

At the Visa medical exam office. Ugg, we thought we were in trouble. We had heard it was crazy there. All these people are having physicals to apply for visas to enter the US!
Luckily once again, the line didn't apply to us. We were taken behind the velvet rope straight back to the adoptive family area. 
No line at all here. Jason was playing phone with Elijah. We think elijah is a baby genius. While his brother Joshua was getting his check up Jason taught Elijah to say football & helmet. Plain as day! 

I know Elijah's sweet mama won't mind me saying this. If you are reading this and considering adoption, please don't be afraid to consider waiting child/special needs. Penelope, Joshua, and Elijah are all considered special needs. On paper, Elijah was supposed to be the worst. The kid sings, dances, talks up a storm in both Mandarin& English. He is hilarious, when we eat he does "cheers" all the time. Special needs? Elijah's only special need was needing a family!!! 
Perfect decorations for us! We know Penelope is going to love Mickey as much as we all do. 
The physical was pretty simple. Weight, height, head circumference. 
She's very, very tiny. She weighed a little over 16 lbs and is about 28 1/2 inches long. 
The doctor was very nice, he basically says she is very small, but he thinks her intelligence is fine. He thinks she will catch up with time. 
I couldn't miss the chance to get my picture with a fellow nurse! 

Because Penelope is over 2, she had to have blood drawn for a TB test. No parents allowed. As a nurse, I'm fine with this. It's really easier. If she cried I couldn't hear it through the door. She was over it by the time they gave her back to me. 
Back at the hotel Penelope was in a great mood! 
On Monday afternoon Gabe and I went shopping. I had hired Ann, a shopping guide who is practically famous in the adoption world. She took us to wholesale markets to shop for a list of items I knew I wanted. Ann rocks! She moved very quickly, if you didn't pay attention you could lose her. She took us on th subway to many different shops. Some were inside like a mall, some were on the street. It was a very cool experience, we saw a part of China we never would have seen otherwise. We also were able to get our shopping done for pennies on the dollar. Highly recommend her! Ann taught herself to read English. I has heard she loves English books so I had brought she a couple (thanks for the books Suzi Steber, she was very happy to get them). 
I got silk dresses for Penelope for now and years to come along with much, much more. 
This place sold all duck. Gross. Apparently duck tongue is a delicacy. It sells for $20/lb. 
We were able to choose our pieces of jade and watch while they put the pendants on the necklace. 
Gabe showing off one of his treasures. 
Gabe also chose this beautiful chess set. 
We had a quiet evening here at our hotel. It caters to adoptive families. They have an indoor and outdoor playground. Penelope tried out a swing for the first time. She didn't have the easiet time sitting up but she didn't mind it too much. 
We also saw another sweet little friend we've made, Mila. Mila will go home with her parents to Delaware soon. 

Penelope slept much better last night. As of this morning, we are down to 3 more days. So ready to be home!!!


Anonymous said...

Praise god for a healthy check up! It's incredible to see how every day shes getting stronger just by the pictures. Her little personality is starting to shine threw with every post. Love it!! You didn't mention any blowouts today that's a good thing. She must be getting adjusted well to all that good food!!

Brooke H.

Anonymous said...

It looks like things are improving everyday. You can just see Penelope opening up more each day. You have some great pictures!

Anonymous said...

So glad her checkup went ok. She is so adorable with such a sweet little personality. You can almost count down the hours now, can't wait to get you all home. Gabe, we are so proud of you, this has been a wonderful experience; we know you are ready to come home. Love and hugs, Nanny & PaPa

Sarah D said...

Is that a real knife? I want to see it when you come home. Your chess set looks cool and I am glad you are still wearing the bracelet I made you. Is that duck the food you have to eat there?
When you come home we can play X box. I got MW3.

Sarah D said...

I forgot to tell you that I can text you from my ipod now. My Mom can give your Mom the number and then you can text me.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the smiling pictures. I am really noticing the ease of tension in her features. She is so cute. I can't wait for you to get home and Quincy and Dexter to get her smiling. They might do tea parties, but I bet she learns how to throw a ball too. Love the outfits. I bet it was fun shopping. I can just see mom shaking her head and worrying about you going about China with just you and Gabe. I know you had a guide, but I can just see her chew on her little finger. She would so love Penelope as we all do. THREE more days. We are all counting down for you to get back home. Love and prayers and hugs as always. Love Carolyn C

Unknown said...

So glad everything is going well. After reading your blog religiously, it makes me want to adopt!!

Anonymous said...

I look forward every day to see your posts. I hope you continue after you reach home so we can see changes in her and your entire family. I share the pictures with some of our customers at Bob's Hardware. We continue our prayer for continued safety to reach home and for a smooth transition for her. Praise God she has made so much progress in only a week.-Gail

Sarah D said...

this is suzy i miss u all so much she is beauitful i am her with auntie sarah cant wait ill u all get home love u all

Unknown said...

Love all the good news and smiling pictures. Hang in there, home sweet home is very soon!

Keeping up with the Lauritzen's said...

Precious! Soon, very soon you will be home and we can meet sweet Penelope. Chin up. You guys got this!!!

Unknown said...

Your journey is so much like ours! We were in that same hotel almost exactly a year ago (today is our one-year "gotcha" anniversary). Thanks for sharing…we are enjoying following along. Hang in there, home is just around the corner!

Anonymous said...

Continue to pray for you all...bonding, weight gain, travels, good rest, peace of mind, assurance that everything is going to be AOK, and safe travels as you continue in China and as you make your way back to JC. N misses G at school. He asked how many more days tonight at supper. He also reported to us tonight that D&Q get lots of good exercise racing in the AM. I ask who wins and N says it is usually a tie...D is ahead at the beginning, but Q catches up by half court. ;) P is blossoming. She is as sweet as can be. Hugs to you all. BAM&N.

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