Friday, August 22, 2014

6 Months

It is so hard to believe its been 6 months since we were in China! On the other hand, it's not hard to believe that it has been 6 months since Penelope joined our family.It sounds cliche but it's true-it's hard to remember life without her!

Penelope is up to 24lbs! Still super tiny, but considering she only weighed 15 lbs when we got her 6 months ago, 24 lbs is pretty impressive. She wears size 12-18 months clothes and size 4 shoes.

And by the way-she loves shoes! She loves putting on Gabe or Jason's shoes and trying to walk around in them.

What else is up? We are officially back to school! We are the proud parents of a Kindergartner, a 1st Grader, and a Freshman. It's been a busy couple of weeks. One night we had 1st Grade open house and football parent meeting (apparently it's frowned upon to skip it even if you are married to the coach?). The next night was Kindergarten open house and Freshman orientation.

Gabe refused to let me take his first day of school picture at school.

By the way, here's Gabe on his first day of 1st Grade!

My 3 favorite boys 

Dexter was ready to go! 

Quincy was a tiny bit nervous but excited. 

Penelope was't sure what to make of it but she liked watching all the kids walk in to school. 

A couple of bonus pictures. These boys try my patience some times but they are hysterical!

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