Sunday, May 18, 2014

Graduation and 3 Months Together

What a week! Quincy had his last day of PreK,  Gabe graduated from 8th Grade, Payton graduated from high school, and Miss P has been with us for 3 months!

He looks so grown up! 

Gabe was thrilled that trainer Trenton came to graduation. We will miss him next year! 

Gabe with Rhett and Wade. 
Wade and Rhett are often times much more patient with Quinn and Dex than Gabe is. 
We love having them around! 

Gabe, Maddison, & Josey have all spent many hours together while their parents were out having a good time. Love these girls! 

Thanks Mr. Wyatt 

Quincy's last day of preschool. Penelope and I got to come to his school and do a craft with him. 

 Gabe with the best preschool teacher ever, Mrs. Sandshafer. Seriously, she has been a huge part of my little boys' lives for the last three years. Fingers crossed that she teaches Penelope Mei someday!

Dex had his kindergarten reading carnival. 

Payton graduated. I am so proud of her. She is going to do amazing things. 

Happy Sunday! 

The next pictures are Penelope singing. She gets SO into it! Arm motions, serious faces, I think we may have a future performer on our hands. Watching her sing in church is hysterical. She sings loud and waves her arms everywhere. Love her. 

Happy Graduation to my "twins" Gabe & Payton. Here they are in 2008.

We celebrated Gabe & Payton today. Mom took a ride on Monty & Rebekah's new motorcycle

Penelope showing off her walking skills. 

This girl has everyone wrapped around her little finger. She can say "ride" and "again" and sign & say "more."
The boys have been pushing her all over the house.

As of May 17th, we have been together for 3 months!  

Catching Up

Sooooo, turns out its a little harder to keep all the balls in the air now that I'm back to work. The blog has definitely taken a hit. Lots of catching up to do, this may have to be more than one post...

Quincy lost his first tooth! It has been loose forever. I finally pulled it. It was not without drama but he survived.

We went mushroom hunting with Mam & Bamp. We didn't find any but we had fun stomping around in the woods. 

Attempts at pictures. Good luck with that :).

Penelope's getting good at posing in this chair! 

 Dex is my creative kid. He loves to color and draw. He like to make things. He was happy to help me cut some branches off this beautiful bush. It blooms for just a couple of weeks every year. IT technically belongs to my neighbor but luckily Mr. Cummins is happy to share.

The kids got me another weeping willow tree for mother's day. We planted one on our first mother's day in this house. It is already huge!  

Jason had lots of "help" planting the tree. 

The day before Mother's Day is Birth Mother's Day. We let off a lantern for our kids' birth mothers.No words can do justice to the gratitude I have for these brave women. 

Happy Mother's Day! Penelope's first Mother's Day with a mama of her very own! 

We went to Jason's Aunt Marilyn's. The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins! Aunt Marilyn got the Cozy Coupe out for Penelope. Penelope loved it so much she let her take it home!
It has been a huge hit! 

With Grandpa James :) 

We went to Jason's baseball game. It was cold! 
The Newton Eagles won, they are LIC conference champs! 

Wednesday was the Jr High dance. I got to curl Emma's hair! 

She looked beautiful 
Too bad it was pouring down rain! 
Gabe didn't wait around for me to take a picture of him before the dance but I got he and Rhett afterwards.

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