Sunday, February 9, 2014

Love Will Leave The 99 Just To Find The 1

One week from now, About this time, we will have our daughter in our arms. I started shaking typing that.

In. Our. Arms.

We are so very close. Today has been a good day. We had a great church service and have spent the rest of the day packing. 

Quincy has been battling a stomach ache yesterday and today. Jason and I are starting to think it may be at least in part due to nerves.

Quincy is up in the corner-packing supervisor.

Dexter on the other hand is anything but nervous. 
He can't wait. For us to leave. 
He has been sleeping with his bag he packed himself (I have no idea what's in there?) for days. He is literally counting down the days.

As excited as I am, the nerves of leaving Dexter and Quincy are starting to set it. 16 days is a longggg time. I KNOW they will be fine. They get to hang out with Mam & Bamp and Nanny & Papa. I know it's harder for me than them. 
But I also know they will miss us. My QQ may be big, but he loves being the baby and I know he will miss his mama. I have chest pain thinking of them without us, but there could not possibly be a better reason.

What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?
                                                                             Matthew 18:12

So in just a few days, Jason and I will leave our 99 to find our 1. 


~aj~ said...

Our sermon at church yesterday was about leaving the 99 to rescue the 1. :) So happy that you will have your sweet girl in your arms so very soon!!

~aj~ said...

Our sermon at church yesterday was about leaving the 99 to rescue the 1. :) So happy that you will have your sweet girl in your arms so very soon!!

Anonymous said...

As I watched your video all I could think is that this beautiful little girl has no idea how her world is about to change! I have seen so many children wait for their forever families it brings my heart nothing but happiness to know one little girl is getting hers. I have two families that I have worked with who are struggling with adoption and have asked them to read your blog because it shows so much of the honesty of adoption. You explain all of the joys and heartache in such an honest and open way it is refreshing as well as touching. Safe travels for you all.

Melissa Semple

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know we are praying for you and all the traveling you will be doing. I guess there is enough of Lois in me that I am worrying just a little. But that is okay because I know God has this so no worries. We are so excited and hope you are able to blog your experiences as we all want to share it with you through your eyes. We can't wait to see the pictures of you guys holding your daughter and sister for the first time. Give Penelope hugs and kisses from all of us. She does not know how much she is loved. Stay safe and healthy and enjoy.
Love Keckie(Carolyn Carr)

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