Saturday, February 22, 2014

Moving On Up!!

We made it to Guangzhou. The last stop on this journey. We flew out from Zhengzhou this morning.

We were definitely ready to move on, but will miss Vivian, our super spunky guide. 

The flight was less than 3 hours. 
In the airport Penelope decided to give me a trial by fire. Before we ever got our tickets she had a blow out diaper. 
Poop everywhere. I left Jason in the ticket line while I went to change her. Luckily the bathroom did have a changing table. The Chinese ladies in the bathroom all stood and watched me the entire time I tried to get her changed. I'm sure we did look somewhat ridiculous, blonde lady with a Chinese baby wearing a hair bow as big as her head and covered in poop. 
I made the executive decision to classify part of her outfit as unsalavagable and threw it away. 
I then realized the extra outfit was in Jason's carry on bag. So, I wrapped Penelope in a blanket and carried her pants less through the airport. 
I changed her twice more during the flight. On the toilet in the airplane bathroom. Otherwise, she was really good of her first airplane ride. 

Guangzhou is another huge city, 17 million people. The 2nd largest city in China. It's much warmer here. We got checked into our hotel, we have a suite, it is sooooo nice to have the extra space!!

The China Hotel caters to adoptive families. This was waiting in our room! 
We're glad to have some of the same families here at our hotel with us. Our buddy Austin is just a couple doors down! How cute do they look together? YaYa- this was not Penelope's real outfit. It's what was left after the airport disaster.

When we're out and about, Penelope still mostly has this shell shocked look. 
We see the most personality when it's just us in our room. So hard to believe she's only been with us for 5 days! 
She didn't hate her bath quite as much today. We're guessing she had never had a real bath before we got her. There aren't bath tubs at the orphanage. So considering, she's not doing bad. 

You have to wonder what she's thinking, whether she understands that we are here to stay? We can already see improvements in her. We think she has gained some weight. She seems stronger very day. 
We can't wait to be home, only 6 more days!!


Anonymous said...

Lol That hair bow is so cute but it is soooo large!! She is really starting to show her personality. You will see a big change in a month from now, when you get home and in a normal routine. The boys are watching the Grinch right now and later we are going to paint t-shirts. And maybe make cookies. Love all the pictures and glad we are on the countdown. Can't wait to see you. Love you all, Nanny

P S They are popcycle lovers. Do you put a limit on how many they can have. Not sure on too much sugar water!??

Anonymous said...

You know she really reminds me of Dexter, your mom pointed that out to me, and as I look closer, yes I agree with her. They look like brother and sister. LOL

Sarah D said...

Just like that wise woman Britney said--stronger than yesterday.

(I've been waiting and waiting to quote Brit Brit on post, today was my chance)

The bow is just amazingly fantastic. Like a gay Bob Mackie bird. I <3 it.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I think she has for sure gained weight. her legs look bigger to me. I wondered with all the blow outs if she would gain or not. I can't even begin to fathom her life in that orphanage. I asked Phil if we could adopt, but he thought we were too old LOL. I am so glad she is with you. I so LOVE seeing the pictures. Glad you have a suite. I'm sure you are getting tired of being there, but it will be the 28 soon and you will be home. I wish we could read her little mind when she sees her brothers and the rest of her family and her home. She is one fortunate little girl. I bet a month from now it will be all smiles. Michelle you look tired. I hope you can rest up. Keep the posts coming and looking forward to that post when she is in her forever home .

Anonymous said...

There's no such thing as a bow being to big!! :-). She looks like a little doll in all her pretty bows! I love the tub picture, her eyelashes are so long!! Has it already been 5 days? Best 5 days of her life guaranteed and it's only going to get better!!!

Brooke H.

Anonymous said...

You are cracking me up with all the blowouts! She probably isn't use to getting her belly full. It will get better. Can't wait to see her at FBC!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family! I love the first picture with your guide. Were keeping track of what's happening in China! Your doing such a nice job posting all the pictures and you tell your stories with such emotion, I'm either crying or laughing. It will be a treasure for Penelope to have as she grows up.
The Richards Family

Anonymous said...

Im so happy you are seeing bits of her personality, she is incredible. Just precious. Please rest and take care of yourself. Prayers.

Sarah Maples said...

The blow outs are bothersome toe. I know they'll test her for parasites ASAP in the US but I'd suspect possible Giardia

Unknown said...

She gets cuter every day. Will her little body ever get used to the food, you poor girl and all those diapers.

Anonymous said...

So glad this beautiful tiny girl has been blessed with such a loving family. So cool that you've been able to experience some of her culture for a few days. Sure it will be good for both of you in years to come. You're blogs make me smile and pray for you! Love, Pam (Reynolds) Shennan

Stephanie W said...

The pictures of Penelope giggling while she plays with Daddy are priceless!!! And she is sitting up like a big girl for bathtime already!!! Such progress in 5 short days. Won't be long there will be jumping and splashing and 'high pitched little girl' squeals of delight coming from the Fulton household bathroom during bathtime! Loving your 'Blow-out' commentary. Hope little Penelope's belly isn't too uncomfortable and the 'Blow-outs' are just a sign that she is finally getting the nutrition that her tiny body needs and it is working overtime to catch her up. So looking forward to getting to see & celebrate all of Penelope's little & big milestones:-) ~Steph, Abbey, & Anna W.

Anonymous said...

Yay!! She's sitting up in the bathtub! What a big girl!! AMAZING how much progress on just a few days! Please, PLEASE be many little ones come home with tummy issues, like Giardia. It's horrible, and is easily spread. I pray it's just new!!!

Keeping up with the Lauritzen's said...

That little sweetie can flat out poop!!!!!!! Hilarious.

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