Sunday, March 23, 2014

No No QQ

I think if Penelope were able to tell you, she would say she's had another great week!

She really is this happy most of the time! 

She's getting more and more vocal all the time. She says mama very clearly. She says dada sometimes. She also has a new word. NO! It's almost always directed at the youngest of her big brothers. Quincy is still not getting the concept of personal space. He likes to get right in her face. The other day he was in her face and she made some noise that sounded like "No No QQ"!! So, so funny. Since then she is more than willing to tell him "No" when he is too close. She also swats him in the face. I probably would too if I were her.....
She and Quincy have lots of fun together too.
 Penelope & Quincy both suck their thumb. Penelope decided Quincy should give hers a try...

Maybe he's not so bad, he shares his sucker....

Penelope is still taking 2-3 bottles of formula per day. We will continue that for a while for both bonding and nutritional support. Not sure how much nutritional support she needs, she is a great eater!
Some of her favorite foods are oatmeal, congee, scrambled eggs, & carrots. This week she discovered she likes chocolate pudding. We used this as a chance to let her practice feeding herself.

Penelope and I visited my office this week so we weighed Penelope. Drum Roll please.......19 pounds!! She's gained over 2 pounds since we've been home! We can really tell. She's starting to get a double chin and a teeny bit of a belly.

As it (hopefully) continues to get warmer, we thought it was time to put Penelope's stroller together. Anyone who knows me knows I have a little bit of a stroller problem. I kept it conservative with the Maclaren. So far I've only pushed it around in the house but I think I'm going to love it!

We also got a new walker toy. She loves it!

Check her out in action!

After a hard day of walking and stroller riding, sometimes you just need a nap. So she fell asleep on the floor.

So Nanny & PaPa just got back from vacation to the Smoky Mts. They brought the kids hilarious/adorable gifts. 
Who doesn't need a coon skin cap?

Penelope got fabulous new dresses. She is now prepared if Hee Haw comes back on TV and they are looking for a token Asian. Or maybe she will square dance competitively? Either way, so adorable, she was cracking me up so much that I literally had tears running down my face! 

I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves....

Dex looks awfully cute in the hat!

Thanks Nanny & PaPa :)

Last one. This is an awful picture of me but have to share my 2 babies sucking their thumbs together.


Unknown said...

Love it, how awesome she is doing so well. Love the fancy dress! I told Peyton he needs to stop by this week.

Sarah D said...

That dress....I'm sure we wore something like that when we were little but I can't stop laughing. It's fantastic.

Anonymous said...

I know that dress isn't the style now, but have always wanted to buy a frilly lacy dress; never got to with 3 sons and 4 grandsons. She does look cute, tho!!! Asian square dancer. why not!! LOL
Love the 2 Davy Crockets!!! King of the Wild Frontier!!
On a more serious note, love that she is eating so well and has gained weight. She looks amazing!!! Love, Nanny

Anonymous said...

Wow! She is doing great! And I love those cute hats! I also saw the bracelet I gave her!

G & T

Anonymous said...

Wow it's awesome to see her walking with her new toy! Madeline has that exact same toy in the attic. It really helped her learn to walk. I wish I would have known you could have had it! That hehaw dress is so adorably funny she could wear anything and make it look cute!! You will LOVE her stroller! It pushes so easily over any terrain. I think we must have a lot of the same tastes! ;-) Madeline has not stopped talking about Penelope since church. She keeps saying things like "she's so cute" " Penelope's my best friend" "can she play with me yet". Hope you guys have another great week!! Let me know when you want to do a play date!
Brooke H

Anonymous said...

So very happy that she's doing so well! She gets cuter by the day, and is clearly happy in her new home- despite the big brothers ;) Prayers continue for your family! Love, Megan

Megan n fam said...

She looks so happy! I love seeing how much she changed. She is becoming such a big girl

Anonymous said...

Oh Michelle! Im just catching up with ur blog! I am soooooo happy for you! I was actually thinking about u today and how I need to come see u in casey!!!
But I think it be much more fun to have a play date with pur kiddos when it gets warmer out! After all, its been a really long time since Anamae saw her bf Mr. Dexter! And maybe Brodie and Penelope Mei might have potential too LOL! I miss you! And im sorry to write all this on here...just dont have your email.

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