Monday, March 17, 2014

Four Weeks of Forever

Today marks one month with Penelope. Four weeks ago today, I was handed a tiny little shell of a girl. The changes that have taken place over the past month continue to amaze me each and every day.

I had loved her from afar for so many, many months. There was never any question for me of whether I would love her. I knew I would. I had no idea that I would love her this much. I am seriously, ridiculously over the top crazy about her.

It's been a little over a week since I did a real post. Not exactly what I planned, but blogging, folding laundry, watching TV, sleeping all night-all of those have fallen to the way side. Right now everything I do or don't do is completely up to a the cutest little tyrant you've ever seen. She still likes to be held most of the time. I still like to hold her most of the time.

Last Sunday was our first time at church. She did great, loved our praise band. It was great to get to introduce her to the people who have been praying for her for months.

This was our attempt at pictures after church. Sigh. And I thought we were difficult to catch on film before....

Quincy loves Penelope's toys. He prefers to be refereed to as Dr. Smurf.

Penelope reached for me the other night. Big, big deal. I finally took off my red thread bracelet that I've been wearing since her birthday in November.

Jason turned 40 on March 10th. His birthday was very low key since we had just gotten home.

We are slowly introducing more people into her world. Truth-I don't know if we're doing it right or doing it wrong. We try to take our cues from her. It's easy to see when it's all too much for her. She goes right back into that protective shell that was so familiar just a few weeks ago.

Head butt is one of our favorite games!

Penelope saw Dr. Wolf last week about her eyes. I thought she did great, of course it helps that Adam is so patient and awesome with kids. We are going to see a specialist next month in St. Louis, it sounds like she may need surgery on her eyes. Not something I look forward to but we'll do whatever we need to do.

This weekend ended up much more interesting than we planned. I don't want to be one of those complete TMI moms, but the short version is Dexter got admitted overnight to the hospital and had to have a minor procedure. He's completely fine now.

Unfortunately it meant I had to be away from Penelope for almost 24 hours. That's certainly not optimal having only been home for 2 weeks, but that's real life. Rebekah stayed with Penelope. Luckily she did not forget me and was happy to see me when I got home.
Quincy got to go to YaYa's after church so he was thrilled. Apparently Quincy also got to choose his own church clothes. I heard rumors of light up crocs & way too short pants. I don't want to know....

Some more random cuteness of the past week or so....


Dex scored 18 points in his last basketball game!
 We loved his coach! Hope we get him again next year!!

Quinn was helping me watch P while Dex was sick. He was dressing her up in their clothes :)

Quinn tied the walker to the princess horse and gave Penelope rides around the house.


Mallory Kocher said...

oh my gosh, she's grown so much! can't believe what a month's worse of good food can do to a girl! glad she's with such a great family! can't wait to meet her sometime! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing her yesterday ! I think she will love coming to see us in the future . Btw Maddy was SO jealous I got to play with her !

Lisa R

Anonymous said...

We see a specialist at St. Louis Children's for my son's eyes, that looked a lot like Penelope's do now. Dr. Gregg Leuder was our surgeon. The staff there are amazing. I know it might be a bit overwhelming to think about as a mom, but you will leave feeling great. My son still loves going there for follow ups!

Unknown said...

I so enjoy the updates. Glad all is going well. Quincy is a riot!

Anonymous said...


You are doing wonderful with her adjustment process. As someone who has learned a lot about adjustment and adoption over the years the best person to take your cues from is Penelope! You are all so blessed to have one another!

Sending prayers
Melissa Semple

Anonymous said...

What a month of TLC can do for a girl. She's just so cute! Hope everything's going well with therapy. Can't wait to see her again.
Brooke H

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE your blog, and lil P, I cant believe the change in her face, shes already growing, and the cutest lil girl ever. I enjoy your honest posts, and look forward to them! How is everyone adjusting? How is P's belly feeling??
What a miracle....cant wait to witness, more!

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