Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Oh Christmas Tree.....

Two posts in one day. Made possible by my black lungs. I've been fighting bronchitis/pneumonia-depends on who you ask-I say bronchitis. Nurse practitioners are not the best patients. I gave up on Sunday, Jason took me to the walk in clinic in Charleston and I got more drugs. They were fabulous there by the way, Sarah Bush is just the best! Of course I may be biased, but their website shows wait times at both the Charleston and Mattoon walk in clinics. Impressive!
One of my patients walked in right behind me. We agreed he had made the right decision to come since there was no way I was making it in to the office on Monday.


This weekend we did something completely new for the Fulton Family. We got a real Christmas tree!
We went to the Clark Family Tree Farm.

 The boys loved it! They ran up and down the rows of trees.

Brady was manning the tractor. I love a family business!

The impossible task of getting all 3 boys to stop long enough to look at the camera! 

Dex decided he needed a few selfies... 

The boys like this little Charlie Brown tree. 

The boys found a rock pile to play on.
A few races and karate chops later, the tree was found.

The decision was made so Brady comes to cut our tree down. Jason and I agreed that we couldn't imagine Gabe with a chainsaw. He's definitely a town kid.

We made it home with the tree

Getting the tree to stand up was another story. Jason spent the better part of an hour like this.

 He finally got it to stand up straightish...

The boys did a great job decorating the tree. Real Christmas tree needles are sharper and stickier than fake.. 

 Quincy showing off some moves.

 Tragedy struck as my Anna Maria Island ornament shattered. Boo.  

 The boys putting the star on the tree. I don't know why Jason didn't want to lift Gabe up there???

Multiple fruitless attempts at a good picture in front of the tree...

 Penelope Mei's ornaments. Can't wait for her to put them on next year! 
Jury is out on whether this is a new Fulton Family tradition. My money says next Christmas is spent somewhere warm and magical. Either way, this was a great way to start our last Christmas season as a family of five! 


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