Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas 2013. No Tears Required.

Time for a post where you don't have to worry if I need an intervention...

We had lots of Christmas celebrations. We have so much to celebrate! The little boys are the perfect age for the Magic that is Christmas.
Just this morning Quincy told me he had heard the reindeer on the roof. He also said they would rather drive a kid around than Santa, because Santa doesn't feed them enough and makes them work on Christmas Eve.

We started with Jason's side of our family. What I should have taken pictures of was the fabulous food Meredith made. Seriously, my sister in law can cook! Not only that, she happily brings this huge spread of food to my house without making me feel like a loser! Meredith is the BEST!!

After multiple attempts, this was the best we could get of the boys with Nanny & Papa.

Dex is getting ready to start basketball. Perfect! 

I'm pretty sure this was when they saw their Disney Infinity from Nanny & Papa. 

Meredith (& Jon but we all know its always the wife) give the coolest gifts. Gabe was THRILLED with his money Tree! 

Q was equally thrilled with his 2 boxes of Krispy Kremes. He LOVES donuts! 

The big Diel Christmas. Almost all the Diel greatgrandkids. 

Christmas with Todd.
Even before we adopted our kids, I have always said blood is not what makes a family. I am the mother to 3 perfect examples, but for me, Todd was the original perfect example. 
Todd got the boys fighting robots. They're hilarious.

Even Cookie the Elf wants Penelope to come home!

Christmas Eve was at my Mom and Dad's. Every year my dad suggest we have prime rib and every year my sisters and I insist on more traditional Christmas food-Chicken Tacos!!

Coop & Jack reading the Christmas story before we opened gifts.

We had shirts made for Zi Shu.

Santa found his was to Homestead Drive. The boys had a great time opening gifts. 

Nabi tablets. Good Morning, Red Bird. 

Q was thrilled with his Easy Bake Oven! 

You know its not going to make much when the recipe is "add one teaspoon of water and stir"

What a great Christmas! We are truly Blessed.


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