Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Day of School

Back to school already. Sigh. Summer was way too short. I'll admit it, summer is an easier time for me. With a teacher hubby, it's very nice not to have to worry about getting home at a certain time to pick kids up each evening.

At any rate, back to the real world.

We started with Pre-K open house for Quincy. Quincy will be by himself in class this year, last year he and Dex were in the same Pre-K class. I think he was a little nervous to go without Dexter, but the teachers always said they didn't play together that much.

Q rocked his "pity the fools" shirt Jill Bierman gave him.

Apparently he was happy to make himself right at home in the reading area. 

Dexter starts kindergarten this year. Don't get me started on how fast time is flying with these kids!
The next night it was back to Ste. Marie for Dexter's Kindergarten open house. 

He found his table. 

Dex is in the same class as Drake Wolf so he's happy.  

The night before the big day. Clothes out and ready to go... 

Gabe is in the 8th grade. He is taller than me. He was NOT interested in holding his "First Day of 8th Grade" sign. He was terrified I was going to make him hold it in front of the school. Tempting, but I didn't.

Ready to GO!!

Neither appreciated Quinn's photo bomb (Pre-K didn't start till this week). 

I promise he was much happier to go to school than he looks in these pictures.

Tricked Gabe into this quick one.

Waiting for the school bus. Doesn't he look just precious?? BTW-one advantage to adopting-you can brag about how beautiful your children are because you don't get to take credit.
Aren't they beautiful ;) 

We're on Roger's bus again this year. From what I hear Roger is THE best. At least that's what Dex and Q tell me.... 

One last look back and my baby was off. No longer a baby. A big kid who gets to eat school lunch on a tray. Sniff Sniff.

He's back! He had a great first day. He's loving school so far.  

Monday was the first day of Pre-K. Quincy wore the same Abercrombie shirt that Gabe and Dex both wore on their first days of Pre-K. He didn't wear it last year because he and Dex had to match. Matching trumped tradition. Don't worry, they're back to matching. 

Quinn helping himself to left over birthday cake for breakfast. I took the first day of kindergarten of but not the first day of Pre-K. In my defense, it wasn't his first first day since he went to Pre-K last year.  

These pictures are what happens when you ask a man to do a woman's job. Sigh. I really do appreciate the effort. Thanks honey. 

Dex looks like he is in pain. Apparently Steve Goebel from 1989 picked out Gabe's outfit.  

So, all is well with school for everyone so far.
Now we get back into the routine of school/football/football/football/football/football.
Once things get going I love this time of the year. Mostly :).


Unknown said...

It’s great to hear that your boys did well on their first day of school. It looks like you were the only one who got the first-day jitters and not any of them. Haha! That’s totally normal, because it means your babies are growing up and are reaching a life’s milestone before you have even prepared yourself. But in the end, we just have to accept it and be there whenever they need us.

Myron Cross @ Melvin Speech

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