Monday, August 26, 2013

August Care Package

Last week we sent Zi Shu another care package. I had thought we would send her one every month. I'm not sure if that's what we should do or not? My practical side wonders where she could put "her" stuff? I have no idea if she has a cubby or a locker or really anything that is just hers.  
So the care packages may be as much for me as they are for her??
Regardless, care package #3 is on it's way to Luoyang, Ch*na.

I managed to fit a lot into that box. 2 outfits, another disposable camera, a princess play phone, a Minnie Mouse, chex Mix and Dove chocolates for the nannies, suckers for the other kids, a nanky, and a photo book. Aunt YaYa snuck the tiniest little purse in for her too.

Her nanky. I got her bedding on Etsy and had the same lady make matching lovies. It is so soft! I did get 2 of these made in case she doesn't get home with this one.

The photo book turned out SO CUTE. It's a chunky board book. 
Who Loves Zi Shu? In English and Chinese.
I pray she gets it and her nannies read it to her. I have to hope that seeing pictures of us in advance will help prepare her. 

Can you imagine what those Ch*inese nannies must think when they see our family? I have visions of her nanny taking it around to show all the other nannies. I know I totally would! Or maybe Ch*nese nannies aren't snarky?


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