Saturday, July 6, 2013

Secret's Out

Once we had submitted our LOI, the agency said we could tell our immediate family about Zi Shu. I wish I had pictures of everyone when they saw her for the first time, but I do have a few.

Gabe was leaving for football camp that weekend so he knew almost as soon as Jason and I did. He was as happy as a 13 year old getting a sister can be. In other words, great/whatever. I'm not worried. I know she is going to have Gabe wrapped around that tiny little finger the second he sees her!

Jason caved and told Jon before I had a chance to give him the adorable framed picture, so no pictures of him.

We were so excited to tell the little boys they had a baby sister.I had visions of adorable matching outfits for the moment, but real life is Dex and Quinn with no shirts on.

They were very excited! Maybe just a tiny bit disappointed that there was no bubblegum or toys in the bag.

Mam & Bamp are thrilled. No idea how I don't have a picture of mom?

Nanny and Papa were very impressed too!

This little girl has no idea how many people love her already! We can't wait to have her home!


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