Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Back to our Happy Place!! Walt Disney World!!

Tomorrow night we're leaving for Disney World! I can't think of anything better to distract me from what seems like the SLOW SLOW SLOW pace of our adoption right now.

I know Disney isn't for everyone, but we love it. I don't think words can do justice to the magical things that have happened there.
We've been taking our kids to Disney since Gabe was in kindergarten. It's hard to believe home much our lives have changed since them! We have loved making memories at Disney with Gabe, Dexter, & Quincy. Soon we will have our own little princess to introduce to Disney Magic!

We try to take pictures the same place every trip. I've missed it a couple of times. I could do a million Disney pictures posts. I'm sure I'll share more of my favorites. I can't wait to make new memories with my boys next week!

Penelope, I promise this is the LAST time we go to Walt Disney World without you. Every wish I make will be for you!!


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