Monday, April 21, 2014


 We are so glad to be able to get outside!
Penelope took her little walker out and practiced her walking in the driveway.

I keep thinking she is getting so much bigger but her little play dress is size 6-9 months! She's a peanut, but she is mostly in 12 months now.

This is at least the 3rd toddler swing we have bought over the years. I was hoping for a pink one but Menards just had blue.
She loves it!

Dexter is the master at jumping out of the swing! He's really high here! 

We decided Good Friday was a good day for a picnic lunch. The boys shared their PB&Js and popcorn with Penelope. 

I don't remember what the "life threatening" injury was that brought on these tears, but he was over it quickly.

On Saturday we decorated Easter Eggs. The boys loved it! 

The real Easter Egg hunt was to be at Mam's on Sunday but we had a dry run Saturday night at home.
Gabe, Jason, & Penelope hid the eggs for Dex & Q. 

Penelope liked the eggs...
.....Until she realized she was on grass. 
Ummm, no!! 

The hunters are ready

And they're off! 

They both tried a hard boiled egg. They both ate about half of one then agreed they would feed the rest to Sadie the Dog at Mam's the next day.

Happy Easter! 

The Easter Bunny did not bring the Plasma Cars since mama only ordered 2 on zulilly and one was pink. They are still a huge hit. Jason and I were riding them around the house on Saturday night. I won't post those pictures... 


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