Tuesday, January 28, 2014


No Travel Approval. That is all. 


Stephanie said...

Oh, Michelle, I have spent the last 2 hours reading all about your journey to get your sweet baby girl, Penelope and about your beautiful family. I was hoping to read that you had gotten the travel approval you were waiting on:(. My family wonders why I'm just sitting around and what am I doing? I've smiled, laughed, cried, felt your joy and just a fraction of your pain at times in this process. I am in awe of you and your dedication. I've liked you since the day I met you many years ago and now I trust you with the care of my family but after reading your blog I have a newfound respect for the woman you are. It's a win-win for both sides. Miss Penelope joins an awesome family and The Fultons take into their family a little China "Doll" from across the world. Everything is so nicely put together on your blog. Love the pics! Of everyone! The boys are so handsome...they will definitely keep you young. Gabe.....what a young man....how did that happen? Impressed too that you are so computer savvy and your house is beautiful. Feel like a stalker kinda:-). Seriously, praying for you, your family and Penelope. Safe travels. I will be checking to see your progress. Can't wait to see her!

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