Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Q!

Quincy had a fabulous birthday weekend! We went to Kendra Will's wedding. Q said Kendra looked like Cinderella! She did, talk about a beautiful bride!

Had some fun swimming at the hotel

They next day was off to Grant's farm with Mam & Bamp, YaYa, Jack and Harry.
Quinn is either hiding or photo bombing for pics.  

Jason and his mini me. Not so mini. 

We're so lucky these boys are growing up together! 

They're off to feed the goats. Notice no Jack. He doesn't bother much with animals. 

Quinn loved it 

We went to the bird show. Q was more interested in getting popcorn. Which was expensive and sucked. Fail. 

The bird lady was not amused when I screamed really loud when this bird flew right over my head. Scary. 

Mam getting Camel kisses.

Quinn's actual birthday morning. 

We had agreed that the weekend away meant no party. Quinn had other ideas so we did a last minute celebration.

One the the gift bags kept shaking and making dog noises. Q was convinced Nanny had gotten him a puppy. He was not quite as excited about his Fur Real dog, but she's pretty cute. He named her Cookie. He names EVERYTHING Cookie. 

Happy 4th Birthday Quincy Todd! We love you!


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