Sunday, May 12, 2013

It's Official...

We're adopting again! This time from China.

This is a whole different ballgame than when we adopted the boys, much more complicated. The paper chase has begun. Jason and I have both applied for passports. We've completed the first round of paperwork.
We have two agencies, one with a social worker in Illinois who will do our homestudy, the other is the China agency in Colorado. They are the ones who will match us with our daughter after all our paperwork is complete.

So... how did the boys take the news???
 I don't know that any of them were completely shocked. This is something we've talked about for a long time, though more wishful thinking until recently. I've referred to the Chinese girl of my dreams as "Mei Ling" forever (no, we won't really name her Mei Ling).

Do these not look like they'll be the best big brothers ever???

Gabe-let's just say he's warming up to the idea. He's 13, I think anything we do is embarrassing. 
Dexter immediately got mad and said he wanted a baby brother. Quinn says "No Dexter, we have to get a baby sister because sisters are nicer" Quinn can't say his R's, so read the whole thing again with no Rs, sounds even cuter. Then Quinn suggested we get two sisters so they can fight, which led to Gabe suggesting we ask for the karate kid. Basically, they're all excited in their own Fulton Boy way.

Jason and I during the construction. It was about this time that Jason gave me the best news ever. We were in the spot where the spare bedroom was going to be when he told me he was ready and he knew we were supposed to put a child in this room. He is the BEST!


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